OK FINally from very HIgh Demands..I finally created something. Ha.thanks Christian and Tyler once again you made a difference. Now can you please jag off and leave my page alone?
A Aggro Punk band. It sounds pretty good, i f you like Aggro punk. To me, well, except
for the fact that the singer sounds like he's drunk..hehe..other than that, I think they are good. At least they don't sound like MxPx..haha. Well a little bio, most of the band mates of Rancid is from Operation Ivy. So check them out ok.
Ok, they are a little old school, but who cares? They sound really good. Their last album came out in 1996.
good song to listen to: Coffee Mug. and MY Dad SUcks.
they are a bit gothic punk. Their greatest album would be VERY PROUD OF YA. More info..soon..